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Be famous

Ranked 224 of 1996



I have no desire whatsoever to be famous, I think it would be annoying. You wouldn't be able to live a normal life.


Famous is relative - you could be internet famous, and still live normally!

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Discover human remains in your basement

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50% prefer Be famous


This does not seem to go well together...

Wake up covered with fur

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83% prefer Be famous


I think the second one could lead directly to the first.


Hm... well, both of these could be good or bad, depending on your point of view. I'm not a furry, and I wouldn't mind fame, so I'll live with being famous.

Lose The Game

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16% prefer Be famous


You don't have a choice whether or not to play the game. Simply being aware of its existence makes you a player.

Be rich

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11% prefer Be famous


I think it depends on how famous. Having paparazzi following you around all the time would suck, but moderate fame, like having 100,000 subs on my YouTube account, would be nice.

Give birth to a porcupine

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92% prefer Be famous

Vomit on Leonardo DaVinci

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80% prefer Be famous


I imagine these two are about par, and, plausibly, related

Be able to breathe underwater

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48% prefer Be famous


You could become famous as the person who can breathe underwater.

Know someone who tells you bad puns every day

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54% prefer Be famous


When they say "be famous", I'll assume they mean "rule the planet and have your face forcefully displayed in every household on Earth!" So... that one.


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