You have to pick:

Live in a world where Pokemon are real and were able to be caught and trained

Ranked 154 of 1996



I can't grasp the loser that would prefer Pokemon. o.O


Unless you're nine years old, I just don't understand the hype about Pokemon.


Sure, maybe you don't like the pokemon games/cards. However, this is about pokemon being REAL, which is much more interesting. Though, really, it seems like this would mostly be bad - there are monsters everywhere.

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Become a Pokemon of your choice

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80% prefer Live in a world where Pokemon are real and were able to be caught and trained

Live in a world where you have magical powers and you can go to Hogwarts

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38% prefer Live in a world where Pokemon are real and were able to be caught and trained


I... I don't think I will ever be able to choose...


But there are some awful things in the wizarding world, like if you brake the law they put you with dementors that eat your every happy thought. Or the fact that wizards could solve so many world problems and save billions of lives, but they don't because they don't want to be bothered.

Blow your nose, look at the Kleenex, and see what looks like brain tissue

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84% prefer Live in a world where Pokemon are real and were able to be caught and trained

Vomit on Leonardo DiCaprio

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100% prefer Live in a world where Pokemon are real and were able to be caught and trained


Living in a world with Pokemon would be awesome!
Who wouldn't want a Charizard that they could fly about on and burninate the countryside with?


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