You have to pick:

Anyone who comes within 10 meters of you dies

Ranked 1964 of 1996



I'll become the ultimate supervillain! "The Plague!"


You wouldn't be able to spend your ill-gotten gains and you'd probably just be shot before long. Not a good supervillain power.

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You die if you come within 10 meters of anyone else

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57% prefer Anyone who comes within 10 meters of you dies


That is really depressing. You would have to force yourself to be the worlds literal loner. And probably end up suicidal.


I know I should probably choose the "I die if I come within 10 meters of everyone else" because it's good to not kill people, but I don't want to die...

Be unable to have children

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25% prefer Anyone who comes within 10 meters of you dies


Well you can't have sex unless you're right up against someone... So you wouldn't be able to have kids either way. Therefore being unable to have kids is the far better choice.


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