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You have to pick:

The other option this is paired with happens to everyone on Earth, not just to you.
Become a werewolf


Well, being a werewolf would only happen every 28 days or so...


Having this happen to everyone on Earth instead of just me would actually make it somewhat safer for everyone. We'd all turn into werewolves at the same time (assuming it's the standard full-moon thing) so nobody would get hunted by werewolves, and since it happens to everyone else too _I_ wouldn't be hunted by _non-_werewolves. If it's not the random rampage type and we keep some semblance of our wits about us it could even make for an interesting sort of monthly holiday.


you also have to consider what version of werewolf? twilight? True Blood? traditional? etc


This has got to be one of the best options, seeing as most of the ones it ends up with would be cool if everyone could do.


Except there are a lot of bad options on this site too.

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