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You have to pick:

The other option this is paired with happens to everyone on Earth, not just to you.
Eat a box of Kraft Dinner


This has got to be one of the best options, seeing as most of the ones it ends up with would be cool if everyone could do.


Well, it's not exactly a cure for world hunger, but it's at least one meal we can all share. Perhaps this strange evening when everyone on Earth had the opportunity to sleep with a full stomach, united in the taste of macaroni and cheese-like sauce, will do more for humanity than the mere physical sustenance it provides. Perhaps we will finally realize, in this momentary respite from our most desperate and base needs, that we could all afford to care a little bit more about each other.

Except for the lactose and gluten intolerant, of course. Screw them.


Except there are a lot of bad options on this site too.

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