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When you die your spirit is reincarnated as another organism (human, animal, plant, anything), and the type of organism is influenced by how good a person you are
Whatever a person believes happens to them after death happens to them after death (if you expect to go to heaven you do, if you believe in reincarnation you are reincarnated, etc...)


Someone's been reading Diskworld :)


So, wait, if I believe I'm going to be reincarnated as a mermaid... or a dragon... or... your mom... wow. Epic.


I think that it would have to be the people don't KNOW that this is the case while alive. Otherwise its highly abusable. Its just that when you die, it turns out you were right (at least about yourself).


A good atheist, a good satanist, and a good Hindu are three every different people. What constitutes a "good person?" Do we only have one incarnation to an animal after we die as a human, then we die forever? Or is this a cyclical kind of thing? Do the animals and plants (f*cking plants, really?!) have to be "good" to reincarnate? What determines if a fern or plankton has been good or bad?


@RbrtKurtz: I don't know. But you might want to find out. :P

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