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You have to pick:

When you die, if you are good (top 50% of people who've ever lived) then the option ranked first on this site happens to you forever. If you are bad (bottom 50%) then the option ranked last happens to you forever.
Walk one thousand miles in one thousand hours or be killed


So...essentially, you have 41 days to walk 1,000 miles..
...which is about 24 miles a day...
Hmmmmmm would it be worth it?


As of this writing the top option is "be able to teleport and survive anywhere in the universe", which is pretty awesome of course. But the bottom option is "100 immortal mosquitoes are embedded in your face". That actually seems like a *really* small price to pay for immortality! Worst comes to worst, I'll see if I can find some way to get the nerves in my face deadened so I won't feel the mosquitoes any more.

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