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You have to pick:

It turns out that all theories pertaining to quantum mechanics are false (all experiments proving it were faked as part of a conspiracy)
It turns out that all theories pertaining to general relativy are false (all experiments proving it were faked as part of a conspiracy)


Ooo.... a tough one... I think.


im confused....


Well...quantum mechanics dont typically apply to everyday understanding...learning general relativity is false would really throw me off..


Actually, all of our electronics depends on quantum mechanics to explain how they work. So arguably quantum mechanics is far more important for understanding everyday life. :)

Of course, the fact that all of our electronics still *work* means that whatever real explanation there is behind it all must produce very similar results to quantum mechanics. The main issue that this WYR raises for me is how and why this ridiculous conspiracy was pulled off, and that question applies equally to both of the options here. So I'm still not really left with a basis to choose one over the other.

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